Sunday, April 9, 2017

hook 1

Growing up in a middle-income family where both of my parents had steady jobs, I never had to worry about where my next meal came from. Unfortunately for a good portion of the world, that question has no answer. At the current state of the world’s population, agriculture is not equipped to feed everyone. While this is a tough reality to comprehend, it is an issue that needs to be addressed. The population of Earth is rapidly and constantly growing, but agriculture is thought of as “background noise” because most people don’t care where their food comes from, as long as they can obtain it. Another problem facing agriculture is the variant climate of the world. With temperature increasing, farming will become more difficult, thus producing food for the population to grow will also increase in difficulty. In order to combat these troubles, the future of agriculture is going to need to change. To accomplish this daunting feat, I have researched what adaptations have been made recently, and where experts and farmers expect it to go in the future. Another equally important task will be to educate the youth of America to prepare them for the tasks that lie ahead of them. If these demands of the world are met, then the future of the Earth will still exist. However, if no adaptations to the rising population and changing weather are made, people across the globe will starve and we will be in trouble. 

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